Ever wondered how energy/frequency healing relates to advanced scientific fields such as epigenetics, neuroscience, and quantum physics? It might seem like a stretch at first, but there's an incredible connection waiting to be explored!
Epigenetics shows us that our genes are not our destiny! Our thoughts, emotions, and environment can influence the way our genes express themselves. This is where energy healing comes in, as it can help to positively influence these factors, potentially leading to improved health and wellbeing.
Neuroscience underpins this by demonstrating how our brain waves and neural pathways can be influenced by various frequencies. Specific sounds, vibrations, or energy frequencies can alter our brain chemistry, promoting relaxation, focus, or healing.
Quantum physics takes it even further, asserting that we are all made up of energy at the most fundamental level. It postulates that our thoughts and feelings can influence the energy fields around us, signifying that positive energy healing could potentially create real, physical changes.
Energy/frequency healing is therefore not just a mystical concept, but a practice deeply rooted in cutting-edge modern science. As we continue to unlock the secrets of these fields, we may uncover even more profound connections and healing possibilities. Stay tuned!

Energy Healing - cutting edge modern sience

The profound impact of colors on our daily lifes.
Colors have a profound impact on our daily lives, touching us emotionally, physically, and spiritually. On a subconscious level, colors can evoke particular moods, influence our decisions, and even affect our health. Today, we delve into exploring the colors white and gold and their influence on us.
White, the color that contains all colors, is often associated with purity, innocence, and peace. However, beyond these general associations, white can empower us in various ways. It carries the radiant power of diamonds, sparking self-empowerment, self-love, and self-confidence within us.
Wearing or surrounding ourselves with white can inspire kindness and compassion towards ourselves. The color white activates the radiance of our inner light, our creative power, and our creativity. It illuminates our path forward, inspiring us to create and innovate.
Gold, on the other hand, is a color often associated with wealth, prosperity, and grandeur. But the color gold also carries a deeper, spiritual significance. It can be applied like a gold coat, a protective layer, akin to embalming the skin. Gold activates self-healing powers, engaging the golden energy that is the energy of the higher self.
This golden energy connects the body, mind, and soul, allowing the soul to take residence in the body and anchor it there. With gold, everything is brought into harmony and balance. It forges the connection between spirit and human being, between the human and the divine. It represents unity in completeness, serving as a symbol of our inherent potential to attain spiritual wholeness.
In conclusion, colors have a more profound impact on our lives than we often realize. They can influence our emotions, enhance our physical well-being, and even guide our spiritual journey. So, the next time you choose a color, remember the power it holds and how it can influence your life.
Let's embrace the colors around us, understand their impact, and use them consciously to improve our lives!

Colors That Touch the Heart – Art in Harmony with Science
Colors are more than just what we see. They reach deep into our core, evoking emotions we often can’t even put into words. The science of neuroaesthetics explains why: every color speaks its own language to our brain. It triggers memories, stirs emotions, and can shift our mood in an instant.
In my work as an artist, this knowledge is an indispensable companion. Neuroaesthetics confirms what I experience every day: colors have a transformative power. They tell stories, open spaces, and let people feel what often remains unspoken. The scientific insight that colors evoke not only aesthetic but also psychological and physiological reactions is like an anchor for me, supporting my artistic intuition.
How Colors Change Us
Red grants us courage and passion. Blue invites us to pause and feel the moment. Yellow brings lightness and joy, while green connects us to nature and ourselves. Every decision I make about color is deliberate – driven by the desire to reach the soul and make the invisible visible.
Through neuroaesthetics, it becomes clear: what we feel as art has a real, measurable effect on our brains. Colors can lower heart rates, calm or invigorate us, even spark hope. This knowledge gives depth to my work because it shows that art is not just beautiful – it heals, moves, and connects.
A Science for the Soul
Neuroaesthetics is more than just a scientific discipline. It is a bridge between what we understand and what we feel. It reveals that what we intuitively perceive as beautiful is deeply rooted within us. For me, this means that every brushstroke, every choice of color, is part of something greater – a universal language that everyone understands.
I invite you to embark on this journey. Look closely, feel deeply, and let yourself be carried by the colors. Because art and science are not opposites. They are partners that together make the unfathomable tangible.
Let's get in touch
For any requests (Artworks on demand or individual healing sessions) get in touch with me. I am happily looking forward to getting to know you.